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Websites that are created to disseminate patient literature are to be used only as guidelines. These sites provide basic information about a variety of medical conditions and their treatment. 它们不是用来诊断或治疗某种疾病的. 医疗状况的诊断和治疗根据每个人的独特需求和医生的评估而有所不同. 与任何手术或医疗程序一样,信息和建议的最佳来源是你的医生.


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根据美国版权法, any notifications of claimed 复制right infringement should be sent to our designated agent. 请参阅下面的“版权侵权索赔程序”.


We make no representations or warranties that this website is free of defects, 病毒, 或其他有害成分. 对于本网站或本公司电脑系统遭黑客入侵或渗透所造成的任何损害或损失,本公司概不负责. 您全权负责充分保护和备份您在本网站使用的数据和设备, 你同意保护我们不受, 你答应不起诉我们, 任何基于您使用本网站的索赔, 包括对丢失数据的索赔, 工作延迟, or lost profits resulting from your use of materials or content from this website.

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We control and manage this website primarily from our facilities in the 状态 of Indiana, 美国. Information published on this website may contain references to 产品, 项目, and 服务 that are not announced or 可用 in your country or region. 也, information published on this website may contain references to 产品, 项目, and 服务 that are only 可用 to licensed physicians as required by applicable country, 联邦, 状态, 以及当地的法律法规. 我们对该等信息不作任何陈述, 产品, 项目, 本网站所提供的服务均属合法, 可用, 或者适合你所在的国家或地区.

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尽管我们做了任何关于隐私的声明, 我们保留披露的权利, 没有通知你, 我们拥有的任何信息,如果法律要求我们这样做,或者我们真诚地相信这样做是遵守法律所必需的, 保护或捍卫我们的权利或财产, 或是为了应对紧急情况. 本网站的特定区域或页面可能包含与从该区域或页面收集的个人信息的使用相关的附加或不同条款.


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本网站的特定区域或页面可能包含与使用本网站有关的额外或不同条款. In the event of a conflict between such terms and these terms of use, 这些具体条款应受控制.

Unless otherwise indicated, all material on this website is 复制righted and owned by us. The 复制right notation is visibly displayed at the bottom of this website.


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Name of agent designated to receive notification of claimed infringement:

Full address of designated agent to whom notification should be sent:
P.O. 1608箱

+1 812.339.2235

+1 812.330.3213

To be effective, the notification must be a written communication that includes the following:

  1. 签名:物理的或电子的签名;
  2. 认定涉嫌侵权作品;
  3. 识别涉嫌侵权的材料;
  4. 投诉人的联络资料.g.、地址、电话号码及电子邮件地址;
  5. 一份声明,表明投诉方真诚地相信,以被投诉的方式使用该材料未经版权所有人或法律授权;
  6. 声明通知中的信息是准确的, 并以伪证罪处罚, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the 复制right owner.